
Soft Skills (Nurturing Altrusitic...

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Ebuku Soft Skills (Nurturing Altruistic Leaders) 2nd Series ini dihasilkan oleh Dr Hadijah Binti Ahmad, Dr Fatmawati Binti Latada, Dr Ahmad Muhaimin Bin Mohamad, Dr Mohd Rahimi Bin Ramli dan Puan Siti Fatimah Binti Ghazali iaitu kumpulan pensyarah dan kakitangan daripada Fakulti Sosial Sains di Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).

Ebuku ini mengandungi pelbagai teori dan info yang bukan sahaja boleh dimanfaatkan buat pelajar, juga buat masyarakat.

Sila hubungi jika perlukan info lanjut berkenaan kursus dan bahan bacaan.


Soft Skills has been recognized as an important credentials for a competent worker. This e-book provides a comprehensive guide to learners in shaping themselves to be a better leaders. The guide provides
an essential information on leadership, teamwork, lifelong learning and critical thinking and problem solving.

This guide will help you to:

❑ Discover and develop your self-leadership skills.
❑ Cultivate the spirit of a good followers in teamwork.
❑ Encourage self-worth by understand the true meaning
of lifelong learning.
❑ Overcome challenges by understanding deeply on
critical thinking and problem solving.

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